Empowering Followers II


Q1: Reflection

The first follower is the next leader.

Use A1 & #ecRACAchat in your answers.

Q2: Awareness

You can’t solve all the problems for the players/staff.

Use A2 & #ecRACAchat in your answers.

Q3: Clarity

You can empower them to figure it out on their own with support. That’s leadership.

Use A3 & #ecRACAchat in your answers.

Q4: Alignment

We want to be able to build a self-sustaining leadership culture through a CLIMATE of empowerment.

Use A4 & #ecRACAchat in your answers.

Q5: Congruence

Going back to the original first follower to debrief will pay major dividends later on.

Use A5 & #ecRACAchat in your answers.



Essential Coaching

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