

Q1: Reflection

Neutral sites, different arenas, weird game times…we have all dealt with disruption to our routines.

Prepare now to be great later.

Use A1 & #ecRACAchat in your answers.

Q2: Awareness

There could be multiple schools of thought about this — some would ask whether it even matters!

Use A2 & #ecRACAchat in your answers.

Q3: Clarity

Disruption to the normal may equal a disruption to the routine…for good?

Multiple answers, no single right one!

Use A3 & #ecRACAchat in your answers.

Q4: Alignment

We can have an expectation but must model the behavior we want to see, especially with this generation.

Use A4 & #ecRACAchat in your answers.

Q5: Congruence

Let’s make a plan to address this and make adaptability a part of our character.

Use A5 & #ecRACAchat in your answers.



Essential Coaching

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