Coach Speak Series | Uncoachable Kids Become Unemployable Adults
Q1: Reflection
Coachspeak. We all use it, and we all loathe it.
Tonight we tackle: “Uncoachable kids become unemployable adults.”
Let’s talk about that.
Use A1 & #ecRACAchat in your answers.
Q2: Awareness
We’ve talked about this before. Compliance doesn’t mean coachability.
Let’s discuss what it actually means to you.
Use A2 & #ecRACAchat in your answers.
Q3: Clarity
Defaulting to this phrase evokes a fixed mindset.
Making sure the players have taken ownership of their growth — that’s the mission we are on.
Use A3 & #ecRACAchat in your answers.
Q4: Alignment
Ask any coaches what matters to them, and they’ll say, “how they turn out 10 years from now.”
The kid NOW is not necessarily going to be the same as an adult LATER.
Life is not a linear progression.
Use A4 & #ecRACAchat in your answers.
Q5: Congruence
Language informs perspective. How you utilize language in your program matters.
Language can create belief and clarity, or it can destroy it. #StackTheDeck for your team.
Use A5 & #ecRACAchat in your answers.